News on the Mobile Front

By | August 13, 2010

Screenshot of Newspapers

Information consumption is one of the primary reasons for going with an advanced phone over a simpler option.

Traditional media has been slow to get into the online game. That is not to say they don’t have an online presence, but with some considering putting their content behind paywalls and such, it is clear things cannot continue as they are.

Rupert Murdoch has often said that he does not approve of free news content online, and has tried to put his papers inside a pay wall, which has been less than successful. Now, he says that his company, News Corp. will produce a national newspaper distributed exclusively on mobile devices. It would feature short, snappy, easily digestible items aimed at a general readership.

It would have its own dedicated reporting staff, but would also draw from other News Corp properties and run out of the New York Post offices.

Try Newspapers(Install via AppBrain). It is a simple web application. Essentially, it allows you to scroll the various news sources in a menu format and pull the mobile sites up…so it is more like a directory. But directories still have their place.

If you want official Apps directly from News outlets, here are a few options. These are national/international official news apps. We make no guarantees as to your satisfaction with the news content any of these news outlets.